If You Could See What I Hear

Chapter 45: Semester’s End

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The next few weeks were busy ones for Jared and Jensen. The wedding date had been set for December 24th at 1:00 in the afternoon. Jared had rented a beach house on the Boliver Peninsula from December 26th until January 3rd. He told the realtor what he wanted done and said he’d pay extra for it. He’d made arrangements for groceries to be delivered after they arrived.

The Padaleckis and the Ackles were coming on the 23rd to celebrate Christmas. Jared would spend the 24th with Josh. The Padaleckis were returning to San Antonio after the wedding, leaving Jensen and Jared alone in the house for their wedding night and Christmas.

They had had tuxedo fittings, and Josh and Jeff had done the same. Ellen was the matron of honor, MacKenzie was the maid of honor, and Meghan was the bridesmaid. Jensen had laughed when a bridesmaid was suggested. Their gowns were deep burgundy in color.

The two were satisfied that everything was done. The church was already decorated so they only needed the fellowship hall to be cared for and the rehearsal dinner. They hired a wedding planner and a baker.


Jensen was sitting in his office Wednesday morning and was going over some research on the computer. Ellen knocked on his door and entered.

“You’re really going to do this?”

“Do what?”

“I got your notice.”

“It’s a two year sabbatical, Ellen. You have someone capable of filling in. I want to do this; I need to do this.”

“What does Jared think?”

“I’m telling him this afternoon.”

“It’s a big step, boy. Shouldn’t you have talked to him about it?”

“I think he already knows. I left the acceptance letter on the table. He had to have read it. He’s waiting for me to say something.”

“None of the classes are doing much after exams. He’s not doing anything. Call him and have him come over or I will,” she threatened.

“Yes, Ma’am,” the professor said with a smile.

He called his fiancé and waited for the man to appear.


Jared parked in the handicapped parking space, figuring he’d hang around the building and bother Jensen until they had to go home. He walked into the building and saw Ellen standing outside Jensen’s classroom.


The woman turned and said, “Can you wait right here for a moment?”

“All right,” the coach replied.

The head of the department entered the classroom and motioned to one of the students who was helping finish the decorations to stand at the entrance. Ellen walked over to Jensen’s door and knocked.

“Come on in, Jared!”

Opening the door, Ellen leaned in and said, “You’re needed. Your classes are early.”

“Classes,” Jensen asked, rising to his feet and heading towards the door.

Ellen waved at the student to let Jared in, and both men entered the classroom at the same time.


The room was covered in crepe paper and balloons. A large cake was on one of the tables and wrapped packages on another. The basketball team and coaches, along with the art department professors, had joined Jensen’s students from his two classes. The large room was packed.

“What’s going on?”

“Bridal shower, Prof,” one of the students exclaimed.

The engaged couple were made to sit at the front of the class. Speeches and jokes were made at the couple’s expense. Two of Jensen’s students started bringing presents to the two of them. Jensen let Jared open them.

A large envelope from the coaching staff held season tickets for Mavericks. The art department had purchased a copy of Michelangelo’s David. They received his and his matching shirts, books, CD’s, and movies from the team and students. After the gifts were opened, the two gave a warm thanks to everyone.

The cake, punch, and coffee were served shortly after the gifts had been opened.

At noon, Ellen told everyone to go home and have a wonderful holiday. Tests were done, and there was no reason to just hang around until Friday. She leaned over and kissed Jensen and hugged Jared, “I’ll see you boys at the rehearsal dinner.”

The coaching staff helped load Jared’s truck, and Josh said he’d help unload it.


Josh gave his brother a hug and leaned in close to his ear, “I’ll see you at the rehearsal and dinner.”

“Love you, Josh,” Jensen whispered back.

“I love you too, little bro.”


Josh laughed, slapped Jared on the back and headed out the door.


They sat on the floor by the roaring fire with a glass of wine. Jared leaned in and kissed the man he was going to marry in a little over a week.

“Jared, we need to talk,” Jensen spoke softly.

“I was hoping you were going to tell me,” Jared responded.

“I applied to UT Austin for the doctorate program in their arts department. I was accepted. It will only be two days a week for classes, but I have to do a major project on site so it will require five days a week.”

“I know. I have bought a large SUV and hired a driver and body guard for you. His name is Clif Kosterman, and he came highly recommended. I’m giving him the apartment at the rear of the storage building. He’s already moved in but has gone home to visit family for the holidays.”

“You’re not angry?”

“Should I be?”


“You’ve always been quiet and secretive about things until you know what you’re going to do. I hope one day you’ll talk things over first, but I’m not mad about who and what you are.”

Jensen set his wine on the hearth and Jared immediately set his down, knowing Jensen all to well. The professor threw himself into the coach’s arms, and they fell backwards next to the tree.

After a heavy makeout session, Jared whispered into Jensen’s ear, “Next week, I’m taking you under the tree.”

Jensen shivered, “We won’t knock it over?”

“It would be a hell of a way to take it down,” the coach murmured as he held his future husband.

“Maybe we should remove the breakables this week,” the sculptor commented.

Jared laughed and pulled him tighter. They cuddled until bedtime.

If You Could See What I Hear

Chapter 44: Beginning Planning


This is definitely a small interlude, but will lead to the next part of the story..

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The family ate breakfast at Denny’s on Sunday morning and went to church. After the service, Jared asked the pastor for a good time to come and talk with him. He was told that the minister could see him on Tuesday at 3:30.

They stopped for lunch at Olive Garden. The family said goodbye in the parking lot, and the Padaleckis headed home to San Antonio. Jared took Jensen home, and the two men relaxed in the family room with Jared sitting on the couch with Jensen’s head in his lap. They began to make wedding plans.

“Since we both work and mom is so far away, why don’t we make an appointment with a wedding planner, tell her what we want, and go from there?”

“That sounds fine to me.”


“Yeah, Jar?”

“After the vows, will you sing,” he asked his lover.


“I’ve heard you. You’ve got a beautiful voice, Jen. I’d like you to sing ‘Love Changes Everything.”

“I’m going to have to think about that. I’ve never sung in public.”

“Think about it, please.”

“All right.”


Monday morning, Jensen’s ring was quickly discovered by the students he taught. It was soon all over the school that the ‘Prof’ was engaged to the hot basketball coach.

Ellen caught wind of it and walked into Jensen’s office at lunch time. “When were you planning on telling me?”

“Ellen? I uh..the only people who knew were our parents. The students found out when they saw the ring. I was going to tell you today.”

“Let me see that damn ring. The kids think it’s worth a fortune.”

“I didn’t ask Jared what it cost. It didn’t seem appropriate.”

Ellen took his left hand and stared at the ring that reposed there. “Wow!”

“Is that good,” the young man asked.

“Damn it, boy! It’s beautiful. He matched your eyes with the emerald.”

“That’s what he told Mom,” Jensen answered.

“Your mother knows?”

“No. I’m calling Sherri ‘Mom. Dad filed for divorce a week ago Friday.”

“And you were going to tell me this when,” she demanded.

“It’s been crazy, Ellen. I was sick before the break. Mom came and raised hell. The whole family was in an uproar. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”

“It’s okay, Jensen,” the woman replied. “I want an invite to the wedding.”

“If things go right, it will be Christmas Eve.”

“I like that. Do you need help with any of it?”

“We’re going to get a wedding planner.”

“That’s a good idea,” Ellen told him.

Jared walked into the office, “Hey, Ellen!”

“I like your taste in men, Jared.”

“Thank you. What brought this on?”

Before the woman could say anything, Jensen lifted his hand. Eying the ring, Jared grinned.

“Yeah, Ellen, I know how to pick them.”

“Well, enjoy your lunch. I have a luncheon date with Bill.”

“Have fun,” Jensen replied.

The two men ate their meal in companionable silence, both tired from the week.

Jensen finally commented, “Let’s pick up a soup and salad take out and go home, soak in the whirlpool, and just go to bed early. No television. No books. Just cuddle and maybe talk. Fall asleep that way.”

Jared swallowed the food he was chewing, “That sounds fabulous, Jen. I’m tired too.”

The professor smiled and continued to eat, grateful for all he’d been given.

If You Could See What I Hear

Chapter 42: Jared’s Question


This one is special

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Jared informed the family Tuesday night that he had an errand to run after school let out early the next day. Sherri said she would come get Jensen. The coach could tell that his professor was curious, but he had no intention of telling him.

Everyone went to bed early since there would be a lot of preparation for Thursday and Thanksgiving dinner. The Ackles were coming, and the formal dining room needed to be prepared.


Jensen had brought a huge thermos of homemade hot chocolate and pumpkin spice cookies for his morning class. They visited and discussed holiday plans. Everyone enjoyed the time. Their professor wished them a happy holiday and four day weekend. He would see them on Monday.

He and Gus walked outside as he had dismissed the class early. They walked along the park on the other side of the road. The sculptor cleaned up after his dog and put it in a trash container.

He heard a horn and someone call his name. Gus led him towards the van where Jeff and Gerry were waiting for him. The talk on the way home turned to Jensen’s new project.

“When you have the time, would you show us how you see what you sculpt? Sherri told me you were running your hands over the block of marble and seeing the little girl in it. We would really like to understand how you see.”

“I will show you this evening after everyone has settled down for the day. The marble is different in a way. I will try to explain that also.”

“Did anyone figure out where Jared was going today? I thought all the shopping was over,” Jeff asked.

None of the three had any idea at all what the coach was up to. They would just have to wait.


Jared entered the store and walked up to a gentleman behind the glass counter. The man looked up at him and then at the worn jeans, faded tee shirt and basketball jacket he wore.

“May I help you?”

“I would like to look at men’s wedding bands and a matching band with an emerald and diamonds on it.”

“May I recommend the jeweler on Austin Street? They have discount rings.”

“I’d like to speak to the manager,” Jared’s voice went from friendly to incredibly harsh.

One of the ladies in the back went for the manager. Jared stared at him, reached into his back pocket, and pulled out his driver’s license and platinum Master Card from his wallet.

“Your salesman doesn’t think I can afford to be here. Do these get me entrance?”

The manager looked at the license and card, and his eyes grew large.

“Padalecki? As in the Padaleckis who own half the property north of town and that massive house? The ones who built the athletic complex at the college?”

“That’s me. I told your man what I want. You can use this college senior ring to size two of them. Here’s mine to be sized for the other plain band. I want Jensen and Jared with a heart between them engraved inside the two bands.”

“Do you have a limit?”

“Price is no object.”

“All three are men’s rings?”

“Is that a problem?”

“No, Sir. I’ll handle your order myself.”

It took an hour for the rings to be sized and polished. They were placed in a green and gold velvet box. Jared gave the man his card, and it went through without a hitch.

As he turned to go, the coach looked at the sullen faced salesman. “You know, you can never judge a book by its cover, man. You lost the commission on an 8500 dollar sale. Grow up.” Jared took the bag and headed to his truck and home.


The baking and preparation for the dinner the next day lasted until 5:30 in the evening. The Padalecki boys drove into town and bought take out from the Mexican restaurant Jared had first taken Jensen to. They all enjoyed the meal, and the clean up was easy. Jensen had come in from his studio in time for the meal.

They were all relaxing in the living room when Gerry reminded the sculptor of his request.

“I would really like to know what each of you looks like. I’m going to sit down here on the floor, and those of you who can will take turns sitting in front of me. Gerry, I’ll come to you when I’m finished with them.”

Sherry sat on the floor in front of the young man, and he told her to just relax. He slowly reached up with his hands and touched her face near her forehead. His sensitive fingers caressed over her skin. He felt her hair, how it was worn, he moved over to her ears and down to her neck. His hands went back to her face and felt the shape of her eyes. He moved to see how far from the edges her face the eyes were. He moved down to her cheeks and felt where the bone met the eye socket. He touched her nose and slowly felt every inch of it. Gently, he moved over her lips and caressed over them and felt the shape of them. Finally, he touched her chin and cupped it in his hand feeling how firm it was.

“Jared has some of your features but not a lot of them. Who does he take after?”

“His grandfather,” Sherri whispered.

Jensen did the same thing for the other family members and then sat on the couch next to the man he loved.

“You wanted to know why I touch the marble? I have already touched the little girl like I did to each of you. When I got the marble, I took the time to clean it and polish it. I have her in my mind, and I need to see her in the stone. So, I move my hands over it, feeling her in it. I know where to cut when I start the work on it.”

The room was quiet as Jared’s family took in all that had happened and was said to them.

“That is the most incredible experience I’ve ever had,” Megan replied.

“I understand the magic of it now,” Sherri whispered.

The sculptor remained quiet. He’d bared his soul and felt accepted.


It was cold enough for a fire that evening. Jensen sat on the floor in front of it. Jared looked at his family. He stood up and walked towards the fireplace and his love. Turning, he faced his family and spoke softly.

“I made a decision yesterday. Monday night was very special to me. I made some important choices, and I carried through on one of them today. In this room are all the people I love. One of them is the most important person in my life.”

Jared knelt down in front of the sculptor, “Jensen, I want more of you every day. I want to give you all of me, but it’s not enough if I can’t have all of you.”

The coach reached into his pocket and pulled out the green and gold velvet box. Sherri’s eyes widened, and she motioned for her family to be quiet.

“Jared? What are you saying,” the older man asked.

“Will you marry me?”

The green eyes reflected the glow of the firelight as the tears flooded them. He sniffed and tried to wipe his the tears away.


“Yes, Jared. I want that very much.”

The coach leaned in and kissed the other man, taking his left hand so he could place a ring on the ring finger.

“It’s a masculine engagement ring. It is platinum with an emerald in the center and some smaller diamonds on either side. I have matching platinum bands to go with it with our names engraved on either side of a heart inside the ring.”

Jensen touched the ring and sobbed quietly. He threw himself into the Jared’s arms and the coach held him. The family was excited and everyone was talking. The two men on the floor remained quiet and were caught up in each other.

If You Could See What I Hear

Chapter 41: Monday Morning

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Warning! This chapter has explicit content towards the end. If you do not like such content skip the remainder of the story when the whirlpool scene starts.

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The college would close for Thanksgiving after a half day on Wednesday. Jensen felt able to return to work before the holiday began. He listened to Jared’s arguments, smiled softly, and met him for breakfast, that morning.


“I’m all right. Gus and I have been for a long walk. I feel a little weak, but I can sit. If I find that I can’t do it, I’ll call Mom.”


Jared let the professor off at the art building and reminded him to stay indoors. Jensen smiled at him, leaned into the cab and said, “I love you, too.”

The coach did not pull out of the parking lot until the older man was inside the building. Grabbing his phone, he dialed Ellen Harvelle.


“Jensen just entered the building.”

“Seriously? All right, I’ll keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn’t overdo himself. Take care, Jared.”

“You too.”


Jensen’s two classes ran smoothly, and his students were glad to have him back. He went over their assignments and checked what was done on their projects. They spent the rest of the class discussing where to find materials and how to set up a studio.

The professor had lunch alone as Jared had a very busy day. At 3:30, he was outside waiting for Sherri. He and Gus climbed into her van, and the sculptor sighed.

“Take a lot out of you,” the older woman asked.

“Yes, ma’am. I didn’t realize just how weak I really am.”

“Well, a crate arrived today and it was from overseas. I assumed it was probably marble so I had them take it to your studio.”

“It took longer this time. I didn’t order right away since I wasn’t sure what I was going to do next. I got a call from the man who had bid on my piece at the art museum contest. He requested that I do a piece for him of his daughter.”

“Have you met her?”

“He brought her by my classroom one afternoon. She’s five-years old. He wants a bust of her about mid-chest up. I had to spend some time looking at her. I asked her coloring.”

“What color is the marble?”

“It’s an off-white with pink and gray striations in it.”

“That should be beautiful,” she replied.

“I’ll change into something warmer and work on my setup for it today.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, he wants it for his wife for Christmas so I have a lot of work to do.”


Jared walked in through the side door as he always did. It was almost 6:30 and dark outside. He stopped and sniffed the air. It seemed Mom had made a pot roast. Smiling, he noted that the table was set. Walking into the family room, he greeted everyone and looked around.

“Where’s Jen?”

“In his studio, hon. He got a piece of marble in today.”

“Too soon,” the coach exclaimed as he headed outside again.

Gerry looked at his wife. “Jensen gonna give in?”

“I don’t think so. You know how much basketball is Jared’s passion?”

“It’s why he’s coaching when he’s a millionaire.”

“This is Jensen’s passion.”

Gerry stared in silence for a moment and spoke softly. “That studio may be a warzone in a few minutes.”

“Well, I’m hoping our son has matured enough in his relationship to not give ultimatums. Jensen lives and breathes his art. I could tell when I brought out some coffee a while ago. He was running his hands over the marble.”

“Why did he do that?”

“He told me he was seeing the little girl in the stone…feeling her.”

Her husband gave her a confused expression.

“Don’t ask me, Gerry. I’m not a blind sculptor. I have no idea how he decides what happens with a piece. In a strange way, it made sense.”


Jared could hear music blasting from the studio. He never understood the sculptor’s need for such a loud sound. It was almost as if he bathed himself in it as he worked…as if the music flowed through him and helped him work his magic.

He opened the door, and Gus moved from his bed to greet him. Kneeling down, the younger man ran his fingers over the golden’s thickened coat. Looking up, he watched Jensen slowly chipping excess marble off the block that was situated on the table on the dais he had in the center of the room.

Walking over to the counter on the far end of the room, he lowered the volume on the player. The older man’s hands faltered, and he stopped.


“Hi, hon. What are you creating?”

“I have a commission for a bust for Christmas.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“So much happened, I never got around to it. I’m sorry.”

“How much are they paying?”

“Five thousand,” the artist replied.


“Yeah. It’s the guy who lost the bid on my piece to the museum. He wants one of his daughter for his wife.”

“At least it’s warm in here. Grab your coat; dinner is about ready. Leave the heat on if you plan to do this every day. It will take too long to reheat this place on a daily basis.”

Jensen got his coat, put the leash on Gus, and joined Jared at the door. The coach leaned down and kissed the smaller man.

“I missed you,” Jensen whispered.

“I missed you too, hon.” Jared put his hand in the middle of the older man’s back, and the three of them walked to the house.


The family enjoyed the meal, and the women cleaned up after. Jensen headed to his room to scan papers into his reader program on the computer. He spent the remainder of the evening grading the tests.

Jared said good night to his family and headed down the hall. He went to his room and grabbed some sweats and a tee-shirt. Walking back down the hall, he entered the older man’s bedroom and set his clothes on the bed.

Leaning over the man’s shoulder, he nuzzled into Jensen’s neck and bit lightly. The older man’s breath hitched.

“I thought we could share a nice, hot whirlpool bath together. See what happens.”


“Yeah. I’ll go and get it ready. Everyone’s upstairs.”


Jared was leaning against one of the sides of the tub, his legs stretched out, ready to welcome his companion. It had been a long while since they had spent time in an intimate way. He knew that Jensen was nowhere near ready for intercourse. In fact, he had decided to keep the man a virgin for their wedding night. He was planning a special night for each part of their relationship. Tonight was just to be intimate and to relax together.

The door opened and Jensen entered the room. He was wearing his boxers and nothing else. The younger man smiled.

“Come on over, and I’ll help you get situated.”

Jared took the soap and rubbed it over the older man’s body and slowly massaged as he bathed him. The coach grew excited when the sculptor took the soap and began to bathe him. He leaned his head back and watched the man through the slits of his eyes.

When the bathing was done, Jared pulled Jensen into his lap, reached down and softly touched the muscle between the man’s legs. A soft gasp escaped the professor’s lips. The younger man began to work the penis; his hands feeling it engorge as he put his other arm around the older man’s waste, holding him still.
Jensen felt his balls tighten, and his breath came faster. Soft moans escaped his lips. Jared knew the man was close and leaned into his neck and bit him slightly, drawing a small amount of blood. He heard Jensen cry out, and cum erupted from him.

The coach held the man until he calmed down. He leaned in and licked where he bit the sculptor.

“Let’s go to bed.”

“No,” moaned the older man. “What about you?”

“I’m fine.”

“No, I was doing some research and I want to try something.”


Jensen grabbed for a towel and began to dry off. He left Jared in the bathroom and walked across the hall to his room.

When the younger man entered the room, he saw the blankets pulled down and Jensen was on his knees at the foot of the bed. He was naked.


“Lay down, Jar.”

The coach laid on the bed, and the professor spread his legs and leaned in towards his crotch. Jared almost came up off the bed when the older man’s tongue licked from the bottom to the top of the nerve bundle on his cock.

“Oh my god!”

Jensen took time to lick his balls, his cock and probe the slit on his penis with his tongue. Suddenly, his mouth took the entire shaft and swallowed it down. Jared came up off the bed a second time. He tried to talk the older man out of his course of action, but the words wouldn’t come. He was too busy moaning. It took a little while to get the rhythm right but there was no doubt about it…Jensen was a natural.

When his balls tightened and he felt himself reaching the peak, Jared tried to warn the sculptor. The man began to pull a slight suction as he worked and swallowed. Suddenly, Jared cried out and cum flooded the older man’s mouth. He felt him swallow as his mouth was filled. Jensen lapped up any cum that was missed and licked his love clean.

Leaning down, the professor pulled up the blankets and cuddled close to his lover. They both went to sleep.

If You Could See What I Hear

Chapter 36: An Emergency Part II

Chapter Text

Meg Masters arrived at 5:30 with her medical kit, overnight bag, and a cot with bedding. She was introduced to the Padalecki family and hurried to Jensen’s room to set up and speak to Dr. Turner.

“Meg! Good, you made it,” Turner exclaimed. “This young man needs to be in the hospital. I called before I left the clinic and was told they are maxed out with young patients. I have him set up as best as I can especially given the circumstances. The clinic at the college called when they found out he went home. Seems he had a good portion of his classes out with this blasted flu and stopped by to get the vaccine. Too little too late.”

Meg had walked over and studied the young man lying in the bed. She brushed his hair back from his eyes.

“He’s a professor?” Seeing the doctor’s nodded, she added, “They’re hiring young one’s now.”

“You know his boyfriend,” Turner commented as he prepared to leave. He gave the nurse the chart he had done. “When he gets feverish, and he will, follow the orders on the chart. He’s sensitive to fevers; he gets delirious a little over 102. He’ll cry out when he hurts, and he wants his boyfriend. The older Padalecki left town to go get him.”


Turner smiled for a second and nodded towards the surprised nurse.

“Well, where is he?”

“Basketball tournament. He left last night and isn’t due back until Wednesday. I want to keep Jensen calm so I sent Jeff after him.”

“Talk about hiring young,” Meg murmured, focused on the patient’s age and youthful appearance.

“He’s your age, Meg,” the doctor teased.

“True. You leaving now?”

“I’ll be back in the morning. Anything urgent comes up, you have my cell number.”

The nurse watched the man leave and set about taking the young man’s vitals. His temperature was 100.5. She checked when his medications had been given, setting her alarm for the time to renew the dosages.

Sherri came into the room to check on Jensen. Meg was sitting in a chair near the young man. Gus whimpered at the door.

“He’s a beautiful dog,” Meg commented.

“He’s Jensen’s service dog,” Sherri answered. “He might help keep him calm until Jared gets here.”

The nurse looked at the sleeping man. “What’s wrong with him?”

“He’s blind. To be honest, I think he sees more than any of us,” Jared’s mother whispered.

“What’s his name?”

“His name is Angus, but they call him Gus.”

Meg leaned over in her chair and spoke to the dog. “Come here, Gus. Come see your daddy.”

The dog crept into the room and went to the bed, sniffing at his friend. Gus whimpered and jumped onto the bed, crawling up next to Jensen. He licked his master’s hand and laid his head on the man’s leg. Jensen stirred but did not waken. He murmured, “Gus,” in his sleep.

Both women smiled. Sherri sat in the recliner, and the two of them kept vigil.


Jeff pulled onto the campus in Dallas. He found the sports complex and looked for a parking spot. It was packed, which made finding a parking space difficult. A security guard walked over and knocked on his window.

“You got a handicapped sticker. There’s parking over there.”

“I’m driving my brother’s truck; his boyfriend is blind. I’ll park there because it’s urgent I find him. We have a family emergency, and I need to get my brother quickly.”

“He one of the players?”

“Coach,” Jeff answered.

“Park where I told you.”

“Thanks.” Jeff parked the truck and walked towards the complex.

Entering the building, he saw young men in the team’s uniform walking towards a hallway. He hurried to catch up with them.

“Hey, guys!”

“Sir,” one of the men asked.

“Do you know where Coach Padalecki is?”

“In the coaches’ break room. No one is allowed back there.”

“I’m his brother. Professor Ackles is real sick right now, and the doc says Jared needs to come home.”

One of the team members stepped up. “The Prof is a nice guy. I’ll take you there.”

“Thank you.”

The two walked through the complex and reached the double doors to a large room. As they entered, a coach stopped them.

“This is coaches only. You two can’t be here.”

“I’m looking for my brother, Jared Padalecki.”

Josh Ackles looked up and hurried over.

“You’re looking for Jared?”

“Yeah, I’m his brother, Jeff.”

“I’m Jensen’s brother, Josh.”

“I need to talk to both of you then.”

“Let me find him,” Josh replied.

Jensen’s brother went in search of the other coach. Five minutes later, both men appeared followed by their head coach.

The two Jeffs were introduced to one another.

“Is there some place quiet where we can talk?”

“Yeah,” Morgan answered, leading the three men and the player out of the room. He sent the boy back to his team, and the four men walked to an office. The head coach opened the door and turned on the lights.

“Jared, Jensen has a very virulent case of the flu,” Jeff said.

“He can’t handle fevers,” Josh interrupted.

“Doctor Turner agrees with that. The hospital’s full so we’re having to treat him at home.”

“Turner is taking care of him,” Jared repeated.

“Yeah, and some nurse he called in.”

“His old home nurse retired so she’s new. Why are you here, Jeff,” the coach asked.

“Every time the fever goes up, Jensen loses it. He cries out in pain and is yelling for you. The doctor thinks you being there will calm him down and maybe he’ll recover faster.”

Jared and Jeff looked at each other. The head coach jerked his head towards the door. “Get the hell out of here, boy. Just let Josh and me know how he does.”

Jared and Jeff headed towards the door when the younger man stopped and turned. “Josh, only your dad knows?”

The older Ackles nodded and said, “Go on. He needs you.”


At 1:25 in the morning, Jensen’s fever rose. Gus whined, and Meg stood up and went to check on her charge. He felt warm so the nurse got the ear thermometer and noted the temp was at 102.2. She started to bathe his torso and pulse points with a cool damp cloth. The woman finally managed to get an adult liquid Tylenol down the young man’s throat.

Jensen was hurting. He didn’t recognize where he was, and the woman next to him was an unknown person to him. He had trouble moving his left arm and tried to pull out the I.V. Someone held him down.

The young man began to cry out in pain, flailing one arm.


“Ssshhh. Jeff has gone to get him. I promise you,” Sherri’s voice spoke softly to him. She’d left the door ajar and slept in the living room where she could hear everything.

“Jared,” Jensen whimpered. “Please.”

“He’s coming. Baby. He’ll be here soon.”

The temperature kept rising and the pain from the fever, the nausea, and the muscle cramps rose with it.

“Jared,” Jensen screamed.

Suddenly, both women were moved aside and the coach knelt by the bed.

He kissed the ailing man on his forehead and gently brushed his hair back. “I’m here, Babe,” he whispered.


“Yeah. I’m not leaving you. I promise.”

The professor grabbed his boyfriend’s hand and held it in a death grip. Jared looked up at the nurse, and recognition lit his eyes. “Hi, Meg.”

“Hey, yourself. You finally find the right one?”

“Yeah. This one’s a keeper.”

“That’s good. I need two strong men to help me undress him and help me keep him in a tub of lukewarm water. Turner made a note that he fights it.”

“I’ll get in with him and hold him.”

“Sounds good.”

Jared and Jeff undressed Jensen while Sherri ran the water. The coach stripped to his boxers and picked up his love. Meg guided the i.v. stand as they headed into the bathroom. The coach handed his boyfriend over to his brother and stepped into the water.

“Damn! Are you sure this is lukewarm?”

The nurse tested the water and grinned. “I’m afraid so.”

“No wonder he fights it. He has a fever, and the water will feel almost frigid.”

“I hate it, but we have to get that temp down.”

Jared nodded and sat down, mumbling at the coolness. Jeff leaned down, passing Jensen to him. The coach took the sick man into his arms and, between the two of them, they set him in the tub between the younger Padalecki’s legs. Jensen leaned against the man’s chest.

The professor cried out, but his love held him in his arms and ran his hands over the sick man’s body, calming him.


Sherri sprayed the bed with a disinfectant spray before putting new sheets and blankets on it. Jared carried the older man in his arms and laid him on the bed. Meg tended to his medications after dressing him. Gus climbed to the foot of the bed as the coach lay on the opposite side and held the sick man in his arms. Jeff, Sherri, and Meg watched.

“I think you two can get some rest,” Meg whispered. “I’m going to. Jared will wake us if we’re needed.”

The two Padaleckis left the bedroom, and the nurse lay on her cot. Everyone slept.

If You Could See What I Hear

Chapter 35: An Emergency


I want thank my daughter, LadyLaran on AO3, for the time she takes to beta my stories. We beta each others and cover each others weaknesses. She is writing a Hobbit/Supernatural crossover that is really good. Its called Hunting Erebor. It’s very unique.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sherry drove Jensen to the college Monday morning. Gus sat in the middle seat, belted in with a special dog harness for vehicles. She pulled up to the Arts Building and turned to the young man next to her.

“You have your lunch?

“It’s in my briefcase. Thank you for making it for me.”

“You’re welcome, hon. If you need me, call my cell. If we go out, I’ll still get your call.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

Jensen and Gus exited the van and headed towards the Arts Building. Going towards his classroom, his mind wandered back to the night before. He’d slept alone; he knew it shouldn’t matter. Sometimes he slept in his own room, but this time was different. Jared had left for the bus trip last night. Shrugging it off, he entered his classroom. Turning on the lights, he walked over to his office and set his briefcase on his desk. Getting the graded papers from a folder in the case, he sat down at his desk.
Someone knocked on his door and he looked up and said, “Come in.”

Ellen walked in with two cups of coffee. She set one on his desk and sat in the chair across from him.

“How did the weekend go,” she asked softly.

“Jared’s family is very nice. I like them.”

Ellen smiled, knowing there was something bothering him. “But?”

“Jared left last night for a two day tournament. I’m not used to him not being there.”

“Jensen, he’s a basketball coach. You’ll have to learn to handle it.”

“I know. Sherri said the same thing.”

“Well, it’s only two days.”

“But it’s three nights,” the professor replied back.

Smiling, Ellen had a good idea of just how far things were going. Her sculptor was most likely still a virgin, but he was definitely not sleeping alone.

“Get something with his scent on it and sleep with it. It will help; I guarantee it.”

“Thanks, Ellen.”

The department head went back to her office. Finishing his coffee, the sculptor picked up the graded papers and walked into his classroom to find it only half full. When he commented on it, one of his students mentioned that everyone was sick.

After class was over, Jensen walked back to his office and called the school clinic to verify his student’s claim. They confirmed the report that a lot of the student population was out due to a serious strain of the flu, and he was asked if he’d had a flu shot. He was quiet, knowing he had not done so. Because of his silence, the nurse asked him to come by during lunch.

At 11:30, the professor walked over to medical and got the shot. He was told it was most likely too late as half his class was out with it, but the inoculation should keep him from catching it again.

“How bad is it?”

“It’s virulent. The hospital has fifteen cases so far. If you start feeling bad, go home. Any side effects from the shot would not occur for at least twenty-four hours so if you feel bad today, it’s not the shot. ”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

Walking back to the Arts building, he hoped he did not catch the bug and that the vaccine would have time to do its work.
Jensen handed out the papers to his afternoon class, noting that a third of the class was absent. As he worked with his students on their projects, he felt dizzy. The sculptor sat on the stool at the front to help with the dizziness and noticed his head had started hurting.

‘God, no,’ he thought as he got back up to help a student. An hour into the class, his body started aching and felt nauseated.

“Prof? You don’t look so good,” one of the girls mentioned. “You’re flushed.”

“Someone go get Ms. Harvelle, please,” Jensen whispered as he hurried to the restroom where he became violently sick.
One of his students walked in and leaned out the door to call out to the woman waiting in the hallway. “He’s the only one in here, Ma’am.”

“Thank you,” Ellen’s voice was heard through the door.

A few minutes later a cool paper towel wiped his face. Ellen took him back to his office, reached for his cell phone on the desk and dialed Sherri’s number. She told her about the flu outbreak and asked her to come get Jensen.


Jensen barely remembered arms taking hold of his and people helping him get out of the building.


“I’ve got him,” Megan responded, reassuring him.

Sherri and Jeff helped the young man lie in the middle seat with the dog on the floor next to him. Jared’s sister got in the back, looking worried. While Jeff drove, Sherrie kept turning to make sure Jensen was all right.

The van pulled up next to the garage. Jensen was weak, with a burning fever. Jeff reached in and pulled him into his arms, carrying the sick man into the house and the professor’s bedroom. Sherri pulled the covers down, and she and her son began to undress him and put some pajamas on him.

Going into Jared’s office, she looked into his rolodex and was relieved to find Doctor Turner’s name and number. She dialed and asked his nurse if the man still practiced house calls. When the answer was affirmative, she told the woman who she was and explained Jensen’s health issue. The nurse put her on hold and returned in a few minutes, informing Jared’s mom that the doctor could be there around 4:30

The next two hours were difficult. Jensen could hold nothing down so they couldn’t give him medication to bring his temperature down. They tried bathing his body with a cool damp cloth, but the fever kept climbing.

When Doctor Turner arrived, Jensen was delirious. He kept whimpering and crying for Jared. He was in pain. The doctor took his vitals before opening his cell phone and dialing a number.

“Meg? I need you at the Padalecki Ranch. Stat.” Turner listened. “Plan on staying so pack a bag. This one has very bad case of the new flu bug. Yes, as soon you can get here.”

Turning to Sherri, Turner took control of the room. “Keep the lights dim. His head is pounding right now, and bright light will only intensify the pain. Let’s strip him down and into a lukewarm tub.”

Jeff and Turner stripped the young man down and carefully moved him to the bathroom where Sherri had drawn a bath in the whirlpool tub. When they placed the sculptor into the lukewarm water, he cried out.

“No! No! It’s cold!

“I know, son, but we have to get your fever down,” the physician said softly as he continued to push the young man back into the water. Every few minutes, he put the ear thermometer into his patient’s left ear. Slowly, the temperature lowered.

“All right, let’s get him out of this water.”

Jeff kept Jensen on his feet while Turner briskly dried his body. Jared’s brother pulled the professor back into his arms, and the two men headed to Jensen’s room.

“Has he had diarrhea,” the doctor asked as the dressed the young man.

“No, he hasn’t,” Jared’s mom answered softly.

“Good. I’m going to give him a suppository for the vomiting. I’m going to put him on an I.V. to keep fluids in his system so he doesn’t dehydrate. He should be in the hospital, but it’s almost full right now. We’ll be able to prevent another infection from occurring. Meg Masters is my home nurse. She’ll take care of whatever is needed. I’ll check in on him in the mornings, during lunch, and in the evenings

Sherrie nodded, taking a sheet of paper the doctor handed to her with instructions on it.

“Where’s Jared?”

“He’s at a basketball tournament.”

“Jensen is asleep right now, but his system doesn’t seem to handle fever very well. His was 102.8, and he was delirious. It will go up again until we get a handle on this. If it goes up again, we need to keep him calm and get the fever down quickly.

“Is he Jared’s lover?”

“I wouldn’t go that far yet, Dr. Turner. In love? Yes. Lovers? Not yet.”

“Well he’s calling for Jared when the fever goes up and aggravates the pain. You may need to get Jared to come home early.”

“He rode the bus with the students. His truck is at the school.”

Jared’s brother interrupted, “His truck is in the garage.”

Turner looked at Jeff. “Would you go get him?”

“Yes, I will,” Jeff responded, giving his mother a kiss and leaving the room.

Sherri followed her son to the back door, and seeing her youngest son’s key chain on the rack, said, “Jeff? Jared left his keys. Take his truck.”

The older Padalecki boy grabbed the keys and was gone.


Flu vaccines take at least 24 hours before any reaction would occur from one. Jensen was already sick before the vaccine was given to him.

If You Could See What I Hear

Chapter 27: The First Week of November


This is one of the shorter chapters. It is more of an interlude.

Chapter Text

Jared put in a lot of hours working with the team. He was getting home around 9 at night. Jensen tried staying at the sports complex, but it was just too tiring for him. He started riding home with Ellen or one of the other professors.

Friday night found the sculptor in his studio working on the body of Jared. He lost track of time. Gus slept on his pallet by the desk. A local radio station was playing country music.

Jensen ran his hands over the work, feeling for any roughness. He wiped it down with a polishing cloth. Placing his hands flat on his lower back, he attempted to stretch. He’d been spending a lot of long hours on the project. He smiled in contentment. It was finished.

Jensen was tired. He turned off the radio and walked towards the exit, calling for Gus to come. The two walked the sidewalk to the side of the garage and entered the house through the side door. Jensen unleashed the dog and turned on some lights so Jared would be able to see when he got home. He touched his watch and the time was 8:45. The sculptor went to his room and undressed, placing the work clothes in the laundry bin. Grabbing a pair of boxers and a tee shirt, the man crossed the hall to his bathroom.


Jared walked through the side door and set the takeout on the table in the breakfast nook. He could hear the shower going in the bathroom as he walked down the hall. He had a free weekend with no tournaments and was glad.

Jensen dried off and put on his boxers and teeshirt. He placed his feet into a pair of flipflops and entered the hallway. Walking into the family room, he sat on the couch. He enjoyed curling up on it. Gus sprawled in front of the fireplace.

Jared entered the family room and leaned over the couch and blew on the older man’s neck. He watched him shiver.

“Welcome home,” came a soft whisper.

“Thank you, Jen. I brought home two Caesar salads, two orders of shrimp scampi, fries, those incredible biscuits from Red Lobster and there’s a gallon of sweet tea in the fridge.”

“That sounds good, Jare.”

The two men headed towards the kitchen where Jensen grabbed glasses, plates, silverware, and napkins. Jared took the tea out of the refrigerator and they headed to the other room.

The meal was leisurely. Both men were tired. Conversation turned to how their days went. Jared informed his companion he did not have to work on the weekend. He got a smile for his effort.

The shorter of the two took a sip of his tea and a deep breath. “It’s finished.”

Jared looked up, “You’re piece?”

Jensen nodded and answered, “Yes. You’ll be the first to see it.”

“I’m honored.”

“I want to invite Ellen over to see it. I may call Misha Collins and see if he might be interested in making a bid on it.”

“You’re going to sell it,” the coach commented.

“Shouldn’t I?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“You’d rather I didn’t because we’re in it?”

“Well, yeah. I’d like to buy this one. What are you planning to ask for it?”

Jensen blushed. “Well, after the bidding, I thought, maybe five thousand would be a good price. It’s not an award winner but I think it’s pretty good.”

“I’ll pay that. I want to own the first piece you ever did of the two of us.”

“Where would you put it?”

“There is a beautiful glass table in the private dining room. I know you bought some kind of green marble. The room is in dark walnut, glass, and the color is shades of green. I want to take the walnut candelabra off the glass table and put the statue on it.”

“You don’t have to buy it. We both live here. It’s a gift.”

“No, Jen. You worked hard on that.”

“Yeah, I did, but this gives me a chance to give back. Collins can see the next piece I do.”

The coach grinned. The two men cleaned up. They walked into the family room. Jared sat on the couch and told Jensen to lay back with his head in his lap. He watched the older man turn red, but noted that he had no problem doing as the coach asked him. They sat quietly, the taller man softly running his fingers through the smaller one’s hair.

They sat there for well over an hour, when Jared finally suggested that they head on to bed. As they walked down the hall, Jensen grabbed the younger man’s arm. Jared stopped and looked over at him.

“What is it, Jen?”

“I don’t want to be alone tonight.”

Jared took Jensen’s hand and softly said, “Come.”

If You Could See What I Hear

Chapter 17: Saturday and Very Early Sunday


These characters seem to be telling their own story. Stuff is happening that was not in my plans. Point: Danneel was not supposed to show up again until Halloween and she’s getting move vindictive. I’ll be adding two more to the tags.

Chapter Text

Jensen and Jared stopped at Denny’s for their usual Saturday morning breakfast date. Both men were beginning to think of it in those terms. At home, Jared read the paper; sometimes reading an article to the other. Jensen remained quiet, giving his companion the peace he seemed to crave in the mornings. But at Denny’s Jared was very talkative. Jensen had discovered how well read and knowledgeable the man was. He enjoyed these times.

Alan and Josh walked into the restaurant. Seeing them, Jared stood up and waved them over. Saturdays meant a line of people waiting for seats.

The four men enjoyed their breakfast. It had been a long time since the Ackles men could have a meal together, sans the Ackles women. Jared picked up on this and followed their lead in the conversation.

After the meal, the four drove to the college. Alan, Jensen, and Gus found seats in the bleachers. Alan went to get two cups of coffee. They had an hour to wait, but people were arriving early to find good seats. Ellen and her family arrived. She introduced her husband, William, and her daughter, Jo, to Jensen. Alan was introduced to the Harvelles. Ellen told her family about Jensen’s being accepted for the art’s competition. Alan looked surprised.


“Dad, no one at home believed I was any good and wasted my time majoring in art.”

Alan looked at Ellen, “How good is he?”

The woman looked at the two men. “He should have been encouraged more. I’m lucky to have him teaching in my department. He’s highly talented.”

“I’m sorry about this Jensen, but how can he be? He’s blind.”

Ellen looked at the younger man, “Tell him how you can see, Jensen.”

The older man looked at his son, expectantly. Jensen had turned white.

“Go ahead, Son.”

“I can tell what things look like by smelling and hearing them; but mostly, by touch. I saw what Jared looked like last night.”

“He knows what I look like,” Ellen interjected.


“Yes, Dad,” Jensen answered softly.

“You never asked anyone in the family how they looked.”

“I’ve seen Josh and Mac.”

“But not your Mother or me?”

“Would you ask Mom to let you run your hands and fingers all over her face?”

“No. I guess I wouldn’t. Would you like to see me?”

“Really?” Jensen’s voice choked.

“Yes. It’s past time you knew what your father looked like.”

Jensen slowly reached out and touched his father’s face. He ran his hands over it, almost a caress. His fingers traced the lines around the eyes. As in Jared, he felt the shape of the nose and ended up at the lips. He backed off and was quiet, tears going down his face.

“Are you okay?”

“Josh and Mac don’t look much like you.”

“They take after your mother’s side of the family. You do too.”

“Oh,” came the soft reply.

Alan changed the subject back to Jensen’s art and the two families talked for the remainder of the waiting time.

The games went on for hours. Twice Jared came into the bleachers to check on everyone. They bought lunch and snacks at the concession stand due to the large number of people in the complex. No one wanted to lose their seats.

At eleven in the evening the final game was over. Their team was the winner. Alan told everyone that it made for a promising year.

Alan and Jensen left the Harvelles and headed toward the coaches’ offices. Alan noticed Danneel and her friend standing in the hall.

“I believe you are in the wrong hallway.”

She stared at both men, giving Jensen a slow look over.

“I think I understand what he sees in you. He really wants a virgin. Wow! Who would have believed it.”

“I think you need to go,” Alan interrupted.

“How would you know what I am?”

Danneel turned back to look at Jensen.

“You’re pretty enough to be someone’s slut by now, but Jared is the first person you’ve ever been seen with.”

Danneel turned to Alan, “You’re family really protected him. He’s like Sleeping Beauty waiting to be awakened with a kiss.”

“I’m reporting you on Monday,” Jensen said sternly.

“No, you won’t. You don’t have the cojones.”

“I do,” said Jared and Josh in unison.

Danneel hurried away. The four men watched the two women turn into the main corridor and disappear.

“How long does this need to go on?” Alan asked.

“I’ll take care of it, Dad,” Jensen answered.

“We all three will,” Jared responded.

The four men went back to Denny’s. It was after midnight and nothing else was open. As they left the restaurant, Alan invited them to church.

“We’ve found a church, Dad. Thank you though.”


It was two in the morning when the two men reached home. Jared watched Jensen take Gus for a long walk. He looked at his watch. It was only five hours until Jensen’s alarm would go off. Jensen would still want to take a shower.

When Jensen and Gus entered the house, Jared was waiting. He could see the look of exhaustion and more on the man’s face.

“Can we talk?”

The shorter man was kneeling down, playing with Gus. He looked up at his companion.


“It’s almost 2:30 in the morning. I think we should stay home tomorrow. I have someone coming around three to look over one of the barns for a renovation. I’ll make a big pot of soup and we can have it with cornbread with enough leftovers to feed us for a week.”

Jensen was still and the other man could tell he was thinking.

“All right, he answered.

Jared was surprised that the man didn’t ask about the renovation or which barn?

“Let’s head on to bed. Showers in the morning. You look exhausted.”

“Do I?”

“Why do you ask that?”

“It’s not the type of comment I usually get about my looks.”

“Oh? I can imagine what they are.”

“Really? What?”

“That you should have been a girl. That you’re too beautiful to be a man. Let me tell you something. You may be those things to some, but you are every inch a man in my book.”

Jensen turned a shade of scarlet. He bit his bottom lip, eyes closed.



“I…er…I …um,” He quickly rose to his feet. “I’m going to go to bed.”

Jared watched the man he loved hurry out of the room, followed by a large golden dog. He grinned. Jensen’s response, or lack there of, was adorable.

If You Could See What I Hear

Chapter 15: Friday

Chapter Text

Friday was usually Jensen’s busiest day of the week. He had a student pass out the test and went to his desk and read a new book on Roman statuary he had found on a braille site. He was excited to be able to read it.

After the tests were turned in he had his students bring out their projects. He took time, moving his hands carefully over each piece, giving compliments and suggestions. He did this until ten minutes to time for the class to be over.

“Over all, you are doing good work on your projects. Next year you will be in my advanced class which is four semesters long. The last semester you will have two weeks to finish the project you choose and you will enter it in the area art contest. I have found out that it can be a proving ground for you. Have a good weekend. If you are attending the basketball event tonight and tomorrow, stop and say hi to me. I’ll be there.”


Jensen worked with four students on a regular basis. All four of them were in the classroom when Jared arrived.

“Hey, Jen, I’m not going to be able to eat lunch with you today.”

The professor turned towards the man’s voice. “Oh? Why not?”

“The coaching staff, cheerleader coach, and the band director are having a meal catered today. First I heard of it.”

“Will the cheerleaders be there?”

“Not at the banquet, but afterwards, yes. The band will be too. They want us to hear the new music and see the new routines.”

Jensen turned red. Jared tried to understand why.

“I’m sorry, Jen.”

“No, don’t say that. You can’t help it.”

Ellen walked into the classroom as both men were talking.


“Yes, Ellen?”

“Jen, I’ll go ahead and go. See you tonight.”

“Don’t leave, Jared,” Ellen interrupted the conversation.

“Okay,” Jared was confused.

“Jensen, the museum sent a letter. Your piece has been accepted and entered into the arts contest.”


“That’s awesome, Jen!” Jared rushed over and gave his companion a hug and a slight peck on the cheek without thinking.

“Jar?” Jensen turned a dark red. There were some whistles and applause from his students.

“Way to go, Coach.”

“You missed the lips!”

“That’s enough,” Ellen said loudly.

Jared stood there in surprise over what he had done. Jensen was still a brilliant shade of red.

“Jensen, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. Honest.”

The sculptor turned white and murmured, “Oh. It’s all right. Just enthusiasm. Right?”

“Yeah. That has to be it.”

“Go eat and watch your cheerleaders.”

Jared hurried out but Ellen looked at the students and told them to put their projects away and to keep their mouths shut. Jensen turned and hurried into his office, with the department head right behind him.

“That was the closest thing to affection I’ve seen from him. You looked upset when he found an excuse for what happened. Were you hoping for more?”

“More? I…I don’t know what I want. He touched his lips to my forehead when he held me and calmed me down after I kicked my mother and her friend out of the house on Saturday.”

“Sit down and eat. It sounds like he’s wanting to show more affection. If you want that affection, let him. Encourage him when he does, Jensen. What was the comment about the cheerleaders?”

“One of them wants him and I think she doesn’t look at me as competition.”

“Fight for him if you want him. I’ll help where I can. You know that.”

“Yes, ma’am.”


At 5:35, Alan Ackles entered Jensen’s classroom and walked over to his office and knocked. He heard a voice and entered.

“Hello, Son.”


“I thought we could go grab a burger and chat a bit and then go to the game.”

“That sounds great.”

The two men went to the Five Guys Burger and each had a cheeseburger and split large fries. Alan updated Jensen on what was happening at home. Jensen filled him in on his new home life.

“Jensen, I know what happened on Saturday. Your mother was livid. Would you give me your side of the story?”

Jensen was quiet. He took a drink of his iced tea, and inhaled deeply.

“You’ve never asked me that before.”

“I’ve never had a reason to think about it before. Your mother should never have gone over there without me and without you knowing in advance. I need to know your side.”

Jensen spoke softly and told his father about the entire conversation. Alan had his head lowered but would look up at his son’s face and knew Jensen wasn’t lying and that Donna was.

“I’ll take care of it, Son.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

They finished eating their meal and the conversation turned to basketball. Jared had surprised Alan with the stories of Jensen experiencing new things in life. He was excited over the opportunity to share a sport with his youngest son.


Alan’s car pulled into the Sports Arena parking lot and found a handicap parking spot open. The two men and Gus headed towards the arena. They found seats on the home side and Alan looked for Josh and Jared. The team was not on the court yet so neither man was in sight.

The next hour was intense. Both teams were good. Alan kept up a running commentary and Jensen was soon caught up in the excitement.

The two men went to get drinks and use the restroom. Jensen came back out of the restroom and headed the direction he had come. Gus stopped him.

“What is it, Gus?” He leaned down and ran his hand over the golden. He heard some voices close to him and his head turned towards them.

“Hey Professor. I’m surprised to see you hear since you can’t see me.”

The voice was familiar and it took a moment to place it. He frowned.

“Danneel,” his voice was stern.

“Yeah,” the cheerleader responded.

“You should be out on the floor with the other cheerleaders.”

“I’m the head cheerleader and I’m taking a break.”

“Well I’m heading over to concessions.”

“Just avoid the coaches. One of them is hands off to you. Got it?”

“That would be a little difficult since I live with him.”

“It won’t be long before he’ll ask you to leave. He’s mine, Prof.”

“Only my students call me Prof. You aren’t one of mine. It’s Professor Ackles to you. If I hear of you chasing after any of the Coaching or Teaching staff, I’ll have you ousted. You know the no fraternization rules.”

“We’ll see, Prof.”

“Is there a problem here?”

“No, Dad. Danneel was just leaving.”

The cheerleader walked towards the gym floor.

“You all right?”

“She’s chasing after Jared and thinks I’m competition.”

“Are you?”

“I don’t know Dad. I don’t understand what’s happening to me. I know I want to cut her tongue out and drag her by her hair from wherever he is.”

Alan smiled. “Well, it is very possible you are jealous.”

“Jealous! Me?”

“Yes Son. Jealous. Do me a favor and take it slow. I think he may have feelings for you. That would explain everything. He seems to be taking things slow. Don’t push it too fast. Let him do whatever he is doing.”


“Because he has a lot more experience about these things then you do. You were sheltered too much.”

“All right.”

“Let’s go watch the rest of the game.”

The two men went back to the bleachers and watched their team win. They walked over to the coaches’ hallway, looking for their two coaches. They stopped when Alan saw and Jensen heard Danneel hitting on Jared. The woman had him against the wall, rubbing herself into him. She reached up to kiss the coach, when he pushed her away.

“You’d rather be f’ing that professor than someone who looks like me?”

“Let me explain something to you. I am not interested in a child.”

“You have to be right out of college. I’m not that much younger than you.”

“You’re young enough.”

“Ackles is way older then you.”

Jensen turned white. His Dad put an arm around his shoulders.

“No, he’s not. Just four years. That’s maturity.”

“Maturity? He’s an f’ing virgin.”

Jensen tried to turn to leave. His Dad stopped him.

“At least I know who’s been in him. You? Give me a break. I like innocence. He’s adorable, talented, intelligent, and he’s absolutely beautiful. You can’t compete.”

Danneel screamed at the tall man and ran past the two Ackles and Jared spotted them and knew his companion had heard him. He walked over to the two men and stood there.


“Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For defending me. No one has done that for me.”

“I like you a lot, Jensen. I want the right to defend you.”

“I would like that.”

“Why don’t you two head on home and I’ll go look for Josh.”

“Thanks Dad.”

Jared put his hand in the middle of Jensen’s back and guided him toward the doors.

If You Could See What I Hear


22 year-old Jared is the new coach at a small college in central Texas. 26 year -old Jensen teaches sculpting in the school. They meet under unusual circumstances. Jensen is blind. Thus begins an unusual courtship.
I do not own nor do I make money from Supernatural or its actors.

Chapter 1: How They Meet

Chapter Text

Donna Ackles placed the food on the breakfast table and called her family to come and eat. Alan had left an hour earlier, driving to Fort Worth for a meeting. Her oldest son, stuck his head in the dining room and held up his car keys.

“We’re meeting the new assistant coach this morning. I have to be there early. Can you drive Jensen to school?”

“If I need to do so, yes.”

“Thanks, Mom. No time for breakfast today,” Josh Ackles grabbed a biscuit and headed for the front door. He passed his sister on the way out.

MacKenzie walked into the dining room and sat at the table. She smiled at her mom and reached for the dish of scrambled eggs.

Donna looked at her watch and headed to the hall, bumping into her middle child. Jensen apologized and hurried to the table. She watched the young man sit at the table. His hands touched the table, feeling for silverware and a napkin. His hands touched a cup of coffee. Smiling, he lifted the cup and took a drink. Setting the cup down, his hands moved around the table, searching for food dishes.

Groaning in frustration, Donna brushed his hands away and began to put food on his plate. Jensen froze.

“Mom, I can do that,” he complained.

“Josh had to leave early, so I need to take you to school. I’m in a hurry today and I don’t have the time to fool around.”

Jensen’s face had its wooden look. MacKenzie gave him a sympathetic look, knowing he wouldn’t see it.

The young man quickly ate his meal and excused himself. He hurried to his room to grab his suit coat and his briefcase.


Jared Padalecki drove his black one ton Chevy pickup truck into the donut shop parking lot. He pulled into the drive thru and ordered two dozen mixed donuts and two dozen sausage and cheese kolaches. The young man added a cup of coffee with cream and sugar. He paid with cash; winked at the young woman manning the window.

The young man pulled back into traffic and drove towards the state college. He pulled into a parking lot and parked his truck. The security guard stopped him as he headed across the parking lot.

“This spot is for professors, boy,” the man spoke in a gruff voice.

Jared grinned at the man and said, “I’m the new coach.”

“Sure you are,” the guard responded.

Jared set the boxes of food on the ground, reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. Rifling through the billfold, he found his pass and showed it to the guard.

The man frowned for a second then apologized to the tall man.

“Not a problem,” Jared responded. He picked up his boxes of food and headed towards the sports complex.


Donna pulled her SUV into the handicapped parking spot in front of the arts building. Her son grabbed his briefcase and opened the door.

“Hold a minute. I’ll walk you to the door.”

“Mom, I walk this area all day long, every school day. I know my way around. I’m fine”

The woman made a guttural sound and Jensen bit his bottom lip, said good bye and headed towards the steps.


Jared entered the large sports complex and took a left towards the offices. Josh saw him walk past and left his office.

“Jared Padalecki?”

The taller man stopped and turned towards him.

“Yeah, I’m him.”

“I’m Josh Ackles. We’ll be sharing an office. Come on in.”

Jared entered the office and walked over to the second desk the other man waved him towards. He set the food upon the desk and leaned against it, facing the other coach.

“Well, where do I start?”

Before Josh could reply, the head coach’s voice could be heard down the hall, “Ackles! Was that Padalecki? You two get your asses down here!”

Jared picked up the food and followed the other man down the hall to the head coach’s office. The sign on the door said “Morgan.”


Jensen walked the halls of the Arts building. He kept close to the inner wall, counting doors as he walked. When he reached number five, he opened the door and entered his classroom. He passed the tables and unlocked his office on the far end of the large room. The young man placed his briefcase on his desk and hung his suit coat on the coat rack in the corner. There were no pictures on the walls. He did have his Master’s degree in Art framed and mounted and hanging on the barren wall behind his desk.

The professor didn’t need pictures. His art was sculpture. It allowed the young man to experience art…to touch and feel it. It was why he had a program on his computer that would take paperwork and turn it either into braille or would read the paper out loud. He set the graded pop quiz to the side and touched his watch and listened to the time. It was Friday, and the first week of the Fall semester was starting off well. The students seemed interested in the course. The first quiz had excellent grades.

The college had delivered the blocks of marble for the students. It should take most of the year for them to learn and create a work of art. The class was expensive. He had twelve students. It was a perfect size class and would enable him to spend time with each one.

The class would not start until ten. It gave him time to work on his project. Rolling his sleeves up, the young professor walked into the classroom and headed to a locked closet and opened it. He pulled out a rolling table and set it at the front of the room and went back for a bin of tools. He spent the next hour and fifteen minutes working on his project. At 9:45, he put his project away and went to clean up.

He finished cleaning up and left the restroom. Reaching the classroom, he could hear voices. He entered, and class began.


Jared and Josh spent two hours with Jeff Morgan. Other coaches heard there was food in the head coach’s office and stopped by to grab food and be introduced to the new assistant defensive coach. The building was a large one and included Tennis, Baseball, and Soccer. The main sport for the college was Basketball.

After the planning meeting, the two coaches headed back towards their office where they spent the day working on defensive plays and putting together a list of videos needed of the opponent teams. They had a good photographer named D.J., who would handle this for them. Preseason games would be starting soon, and both men needed to be ready for the season. It would be D.J.’s job to attend the preseason games and film the opponents’ strategies.

At 3:00, Josh called it a day. He sighed and told his new friend that he needed to make a phone call. Taking out his cell, he called his mom and mentioned that he’d be home late. He had a date and would just leave early and spend the evening with the woman.

Jared decided to leave at 4:00. It allow him some time to go back over the ideas they’d discussed and brainstorm on what would work.


Jensen was busy with his project when his mom called. He told her he would catch a ride home with Ellen and not to worry about him.

At 3:45, the head of the Arts Department walked into his classroom. She strolled up to the table where the young professor was working.

“You really need to enter that in the annual arts show.”

Jensen smiled, “You know I’m not good enough for that, Ellen.”

“Quit being so modest, Jensen. You could win the grand prize with this and get your name out.”

The sculptor sighed, “Yeah, Ellen. I don’t think that will ever happen.”

“You need to think about it. You get your name out and you can start bringing in enough money to move out and support yourself.”

The woman watched the man before her wince and shake it off. She knew it was a sore spot for him.

Jensen changed the subject, “What do you need, Ellen?”

“Monday is Memorial Day, so we have a three day weekend. I’m locking the building up….so, go home, hon.”

Jensen went into his office and grabbed his briefcase and jacket. He walked back out and found himself alone. Hoping he would catch his brother, he took out his white cane and headed toward the exit.


Jared walked out of the Sports Complex and down the steps. He heard a shout and stopped to listen.


Jensen walked across the street towards the tree filled park that hid the arts building from the remainder of the campus. He listened to the cheer leaders practicing and followed the sounds, cane out in front of him to prevent tripping or walking into something.

By the sounds, he knew was getting close, when he heard footsteps coming towards him.

“Hey, guys! Look at his.”

The professor stopped and waited. He was unsure of what was going on.

“He’s pretty. How come we haven’t seen you before?”

“I teach at the Arts building. Excuse me. I’m meeting someone.”

One of the men grabbed the professor and swung him around, shoving him into a tree and leaned against him. Jensen felt lips on his and a tongue striving to push its way into his mouth. A hand groped at his crotch. He panicked and bit the tongue while bringing his knee up into the man’s groin. He heard a shout and a groan.

Holding his cane in front of him, Jensen ran towards the noises of the Sports Complex. He heard an angry voice call out, “Grab him!” Running as fast as he could, Jensen almost made it. He ran into a large tree, the cane snapping into pieces as he struck his head on the tree.

Falling to the ground, he was stunned. He felt hands groping him and could not fight back.

Suddenly, a voice rang out, “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

The world was spinning as Jensen heard running feet and the sound of someone dropping to the ground next to him. He could not see the concern in the hazel eyes.